






30863 2022 Viscosity and thermal conductivity of rubidium and cesium in the gas phase. Dzis V., Dyachynska O. Мвз 235
30862 2022 The Right-Bank Ukraine industrial production and intra-regional specialization in the mid-19th century Boiko Yu. Мвз 118
30861 2021 Інформаційно-консультаційне забезпечення функціонування малих та середніх сільськогосподарських підприємств. Корінець Р., Польова О., Рудич О., Бачинський Р. Сун 151
30857 2021 Method of experimental research of steering control unit of hydrostatic steering control systems and stands for their realization. Ivanov M., Motorna O., Pereyaslavskyy O., Shargorodskyi S., Gromaszek K., Junisbekov M., Kalizhanova A., Smailova S. СSc 124
30856 2022 Financial sustainability of agricultural enterprises: development and approval of the integrated evaluation model. Shevchuk O., Kiporenko S. Мвз 126
30855 2022 Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of integral assessment of financial sustainability of the enterprise Shevchuk O., Shevchuk Ol. Мвз 141
30854 2022 Evaluation of efficiency of using resource potential of rural areas: methodological approach. Tomashuk I., Tomashuk Iv. Мвз 106
30853 2022 Scientific rationality in an educational context: historical and philosophical analysis. Makarov Z., Bohatyrchuk D. Мвз 104
30852 2021 Оцінка фінансового стану підприємства Кушнір А.В. Тд 116
30851 2021 Власні фінансові ресурси підприємства й джерела їхнього формування. Кравець В.М. Тд 141
30850 2022 Financial monitoring Stabilities of the banking system Aleskerova Y., Todosiichuk V. Мвз 96
30849 2022 Analytical information in the management of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of European integration. Tomchuk О. Мвз 113
30848 2022 Current state and directions of integration of ukraine's pension system into the european and world pension system Martseniuk O. Мвз 103
30847 2022 Investment attractiveness of the enterprise: content, factors of influence and directions of improvement Ruda O. Мвз 104
30846 2022 Activities of jewish schools in podillya province in the second half of the ХІХ century Bogatchuk S. Мвз 124
30845 2022 Global trends and prospects of socio-economic development of Ukraine Aleskerova Y., Todosiichuk V., Vovk V., Krasnoselska A., Volontyr L., Hryshchuk N., Kovalchuk S., Martseniuk O., Novitska L., Ruda O., Tokarchuk D., Tokarchuk O., Tomashuk I., Tomashuk Iv., Tomchuk O., Khaietska O., Shevchuk O., Kiporenko S., Shevchuk O. Мвз 152
30844 2022 Ukraine's agricultural sector in ensuring global food security. Vdovenko L. Суз 80
30843 2022 Security management of Ukrainian banks. Todosiichuk V. Суз 78
30842 2022 Optimization and prospects for the development of insurance in the tourism business in the context of the pandemic Aleskerova Y. Суз 96
30841 2022 International labor migration in the context of geo-economic transformation. Tomashuk I., Baldynyuk V. Суз 100








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