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id: 24303
Title: The structural elements of lexical-semantic field “time” on the language material of Vinnytsia region writers’ artistic works = Структурні елементи лексико-семантичного поля «Час» на мовному матеріалі художніх творів письменників Вінниччини
Authors: Horobets A.
Keywords: lexical-semantic field, thematic group, temporal nominations, field of nucleus, center of the field, peripheral organization
Date of publication: 2020-04-06 16:23:46
Last changes: 2020-04-06 16:23:46
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: The article analyzes the features of the lexical-semantic field “time”, studies its structure, thematic groups of vocabulary in the designation of time segments, traces the connection between the philosophy of the author`s worldview through the prism of time measurements with the linguistic means of its expression on the material of the artistic works of Vinnytsia region writers have been analyzed. The article is devoted to the questions of structuring of the lexical-semantic field “time”, the temporal nominations in terms of phraseologisms, used in the stories, are considered and described, as well as the examples of authors` linguistic means on the designation of time segments formed on the basis of ethnographic observations. In
the structure of the lexical-semantic field “time”, three main components are defined: the core time, center – words that denote time intervals and belong to the thematic groups “seasons”, “part of the day”, “names of periods of life” and peripheral organization: adjective-noun phrases in which the word with the significance of temporality loses independence and acquires the shades of the meaning of the word with which it is combined, as well as elements of extra-fidelity unity that do not indicate temporality directly, but contribute to the understanding of the text by the reader, causing he has a number of associations: tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and so on.
Publication type: Тези доповідей
Publication: The 7th International scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of the development of modern science”, (March 11-13, 2020). - Publishing House “ACCENT”, Sofia, Bulgaria. - 2020. - P. 28-32.
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