id: 37243
Назва: Money circulation statistics
Автори: Fedoryshynа L., Melnyk V.
Ключові слова: COVID-19, statistics, penny trading, inflation, penny-credit regulation, payment transactions
Дата публікації: 2024-10-08 10:31:33
Останні зміни: 2024-10-08 10:31:33
Рік видання: 2024
Аннотація: The statistics reveal the peculiarities of effective analysis of penny trading processes, the influx of the COVID-19 pandemic and the large-scale invasion of Ukraine for the analysis of penny mass, the dynamics of penny trading indicators for “forms of pennies”. Penny trading is the process of moving pennies that takes place between the economic system during various operations, such as production, exchange, distribution, as well as the sharing of goods and services. This process can be carried out both as unprepared processes and as pre-cooked operations. The main purpose of the statistics is to provide the state penny credit regulation authorities with reliable information about the penny system for the development and implementation of a consistent penny credit policy. an important warehouse of the state’s approaches to the regulation of the market economy. This system will take place in a variety of ways, aimed at stabilizing the penny turnover, the currency system and the improvement of the credit sector. By changing pennies and credit resources, the country can infuse into the economy, adjusting the mechanism of this influx depending on the economic situation. The nutrition of economical daily life and the influx of penny weight on the level of inflation are also considered.
Тип виданя: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Причорноморські економічні студії. 2024. Вип. 88. С. 120-125. DOI:
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