id: 36743
Назва: Influence of feeding area on development, productivity and nutritional value of chicory
Автори: Tkach O., Pantsyreva H., Ovcharuk O., Ovcharuk V., Padalko T., Tkach L., Аmorcite O.
Ключові слова: One of the main agrotechnical measures, which largely depends on the yield and quality of root chicory, is the correct placement of plants on the area. With different methods of sowing, placement schemes make it possible to ensure favorable condition
Дата публікації: 2024-07-24 12:17:22
Останні зміни: 2024-07-24 12:17:22
Рік видання: 2024
Аннотація: One of the main agrotechnical measures, which largely depends on the yield and quality of root chicory, is the correct placement of plants on the area. With different methods of sowing, placement schemes make it possible to ensure favorable conditions for plant growth and development and the maximum use of mechanization during the period of care for crops and harvesting. It was determined that the structure of the feeding area of the root chicory plant affects photosynthetic productivity. Therefore, the highest indicators of the net productivity of photosynthesis were distinguished by the placement of plants on the feeding area according to the scheme 45×22.5 cm and 22.5×45 cm, which had a positive effect on the yield of root crops and their content of inulin polysaccharide. The article presents the results of experimental studies that solve the scientific and practical problem of studying the elements of root chicory growing technology due to the optimization of the area of plant nutrition and the uniformity of their placement on productivity and quality indicators. It has been experimentally proven that with an increased rate of photosynthetic potential at a feeding area of 60×60 cm (with a plant density of 30,000 ha, the Umansky-97 variety was 9.2 103×m-2 ha-1 per day, Umansky-99 – 9.3 103×m-2 ha-1 per day with a decrease in the feeding area (45×45, 35×35, 45×22.5 cm), this indicator slightly increased, on average by variety, it was 10.1 to 10.8 103×m–2 ha-1 per day. The highest indicator of inulin content in chicory root crops is the feeding area of 35×35 cm and was in the variety Umansky-97 – 18.5%, Umansky-99 – 18.7%, and the feeding area of 45×22.5 cm – 18.2% and 18.4%, respectively. Similarly, it was recorded that the feeding area of chicory plants significantly affects the yield of root crops. Thus, it was established that from a plant density of 60 to 120 103× ha-1, the productivity was on average 30 t ha-1 with an average weight of the root crop from 500 to 250 g, with an inulin content of 17.3 to 19.0%. According to the structure of the root crop, the productive part occupies on average from 82.7% to 91.6% of the total mass with inulin content from 17.3 to 19.0%.
Тип виданя: Статті Scopus
Видавництво: Agronomy Research. 2024. Vol. 22 (1) P. 301-312. DOI:
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Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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