id: 32206
Назва: Dependence of the artificial reservoir pollution with heavy metals on anthropogenic factors
Автори: Palamarchuk, V., Shpakovska, H., Kolechko, A.
Ключові слова: heavy metals, anthropogenic pollutants, artificial reservoirs.
Дата публікації: 2022-11-19 20:53:44
Останні зміни: 2022-11-19 20:53:44
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: The article presents the research results of the heavy metals content in artificial reservoirs located at different distances from a number of pollutants of anthropogenic origin. The manuscript provides data on the dependence of the concentration of copper, zinc, lead, iron, cadmium in pond water on their location on highways and arable land. The location near these anthropogenic factors of artificial reservoirs pollution causes the accumulation of heavy metals in the water leading to significant exceedances of permissible levels for the catch of commercial fish, poses a significant threat to the environmental situation and safety of aquaculture. Research has also revealed that fish farming technology used in the farm also determines the ingress and accumulation of heavy metals in the reservoir. In particular, it was found that the operation of non-letting ponds, the use of cascades near the highway and arable land increases the accumulation of heavy metals.
Тип виданя: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. 2022. Vol. 5, № 1. Р. 31-35.
Розташовується в колекціях :
Ким внесений: Адміністратор
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