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id: 26767
Title: Ecotoxicological evaluation of grain products of agrocenosis for the content of nitrates in the conditions of the pravobezhnaya Forest steppe
Authors: Yakovets L
Keywords: ecotoxicological assessment, nitrates, grain products, agrocenoses, pollution
Date of publication: 2020-11-20 15:17:33
Last changes: 2020-11-20 15:17:33
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: The article presents materials on the nitrate pollution of grain products of the agrocenosis in the forest-steppe of the right bank. The aim of the research was to establish the ecotoxicological assessment of grain products of the agrocenosis by the content of nitrates in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the right bank. The studies were carried out during 2017−2019 years with grain and seeds of field crops grown in conditions of intensive chemicalization of agriculture in the forest-steppe of the right bank. It was found that the actual content of nitrates in winter wheat grain for the period of harvest, grown under conditions of intensive chemicalization of agriculture, was 51.30 mg / kg, which is 5.8 times less than the MPC, in winter rape seeds − 88.30 mg / kg, which is 3.4 times less than the MPC, in the grain of furious barley − 91.20 mg / kg, which is 3.3 times less than the MPC, in wet corn grain − 10.23 mg / kg, which is 29.3 times less than the MPC , in dried grain of corn − 9.12 mg / kg, which is 32.9 times less than the MPC, in sunflower seeds − 131.80 mg / kg, which is 2.3 times less than the MPC.
The lowest accumulation coefficient and hazard coefficient of nitrates was in corn grain grown in conditions of intensive chemicalization of agriculture.
The research results showed that when using intensive chemicalization of agriculture in grain and seeds of agricultural crops, no excess of the content of nitrates was found. According to environmental indicators, regarding the content of nitrates, such crops are recommended to be used for food needs.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Annali d’Italia. - Italy : Florence, 2020. - № 13, Vol. 1. - P. 8-12.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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