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id: 35714
Title: Study of the Processes of Forming a Metal Coating by Cold Gas-Dynamic Sputtering and Development of a Technique for Calculating Sputtering Modes
Authors: Haydamak O.L., Hraniak V.F.
Keywords: gas-dynamic sputtering, sputtering shape, calculation of movement speed
Date of publication: 2024-05-03 20:06:08
Last changes: 2024-05-03 20:06:08
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: The creation of various functional coatings on the surfaces of parts allows to influence the technical and operational characteristics of the parts and to give to these parts new qualities extrinsic for parts without coating. The principle of creating coatings is based on the effect discovered in the 1980s of the previous century, which consists in the fact that powder particles accelerated to high speeds close to the speed of sound, when they collide with the substrate, enter into molecular bonds with it and are able to form a strong connection both with the latter and between its own dispersed particles themselves. At the same time, the temperature of the powder coating process is significantly lower than the melting point of the powder coating material. The installation for cold-gas-dynamic spraying of metal coatings is designed and manufactured. The main components of this installation are a compressed air heater and a nozzle-accelerator of heated compressed air. In accordance with the ejection effect, finely dispersed metal powder with an average particle size of 60 µm is fed into the nozzle, which accelerates in the nozzle channel and, because of heat exchange with hot air, is heated to a temperature that is significantly lower than the melting point of the powder material. As a result, the part and powder material do not undergo phase transformations and, accordingly, do not change their properties and do not undergo significant thermal deformations. The patterns of sputtering shape formation using powder based on aluminium grade A20-11 are studied. As established, the formation of the sputtering shape profile in the general case can be described in accordance with the Gaussian-distribution law.
Publication type: Статті Scopus/Web of Science
Publication: Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii. 2023. Vol. 45, Issue 12. P. 1485-1498. DOI:
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